
The Moon: The Lunar Surface

Early Apollo missions found no traces of water on the lunar surface. But NASA scientists were stunned later
when they detected a water vapor cloud greater than 100 square miles in size. This water vapor appears to
have come from inside the moon, according to NASA testimony. Clouds, fog and other surface changes have
been observed on the lunar surface for centuries.
Six different 19th century astronomers reported having observed a fog which obscured details in the floor
of the crater Plato. This would seem to contradict the idea that the moon's low gravity is incapable of
holding an atmosphere.
Lunar exploration has also revealed that much of the surface is covered with a glassy tile-like material,
suggesting that it has been scorched by some unknown source of intense heat.
Analysis has proven that the glass was not produced by meteor impacts but is nearly identical to glazing
caused by atomic explosions on Earth. Nuclear glazing combined with the extreme high radioactive surface
materials might indicate that a nuclear war or severe explosion occurred on the lunar surface
at some time in the past.
Lunar rocks were found to be highly magnetized, when such magnetism was neither expected nor imagined.
Again, NASA experts are unable to explain. Magnetic Anomalies discovered on the surface of the moon
beneath the circular maria (which, incidentally, are found almost exclusively on one side of the moon)
are so strong in places that they actually effect the orbits of the lunar spacecraft.
These massive concentrations, located almost centrally under the maria, cause orbiters to dip toward the
surface and to accelerate as they pass over. While they appear to be huge concentrations of dense,
heavy matter, NASA scientists have no suitable explanations.
Since the moon is smaller than the Earth and has a gravitational attraction one-sixth that of Earth
(as we've been told since Sir Issac Newton formulated the Law in 1666) the neutral gravitation point
between Earth and Luna should be quite close to the lunar surface. We've been told, and it has
been repeatedly reinforced, that the neutral point is approximately 24,000 miles from the center of the
moon or about 220,000 miles from the center of the Earth.
Using this figure, U.S. and Soviet scientists began hurling objects at the lunar surface, the first being
the Luna 1 Russian probe on January 2, 1959. It passed within 4,660 miles of the moon before disappearing
into deep space.
The U.S. made three unsuccessful attempts before a fly-by of 37,000 miles was achieved. Luna 2 hit the moon,
Luna 3 circled the moon and took pictures of the far side and the Russians immediately postponed all lunar
research and refused to release any information they had collected.

America, alone in the race for the moon, launched a series of embarrassing probes designed to hard land
with seismic detectors. Ranger 3 missed completely and went into solar orbit.
Ranger 4 hit the moon but sent no useful information. Ranger 5 missed by a full 450 miles, prompting the
engineers to sit down and recalculate their equations.
Somewhere along the line, they had made some serious mathematical errors!
Two years later Ranger 6 was launched but its electrical system burned out. Subsequent flights had a bit
more success and the Russians were encouraged to reactivate their lunar research. But Luna 5 crashed
at full speed onto the surface. Luna 6 missed. Luna 7 crashed when its retrograde rockets
fired too soon. Luna 8 crashed. Then Luna 9 became the first probe to successfully soft land on
the lunar surface. From that time both Soviet and American probes were largely successful, but only
because they had been able to recalculate the gravitational neutral point between Earth and the moon.
The most amazing disclosure to emerge from the many failures was that NASA was able to accurately find
the neutral gravity point between the two bodies. This new calculation was never officially revealed
or explained, leading many to suggest that NASA is covering up important data concerning the origin and
composition of the moon.

The neutral point, as published in Time magazine, July 25, 1969 and same year in "History of Rocketry
& Space Travel," was 43,495 miles from the center of the moon. This means that the gravitational
attraction of the moon is not one-sixth or 16.7% of the Earth's, but is actually 64% or greater than
one-half of the Earth's gravity!
Because of their relative sizes, if the neutral point is really 52,000 miles, rather than 43,495,
the moon's gravitational attraction would be identical to Earth's. A 170 pound man on Earth would weigh
170 pounds on the moon.

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