Business Information Technology

Helping companies prioritize their cybersecurity investments

By securely aggregating sensitive data from cyber-attacks, the SCRAM platform from MIT CSAIL can quantify an organization’s level of security and suggest what to prioritize. By Adam Conner-Simons | MIT News Office | MIT CSAIL One reason that cyberattacks have continued to grow in recent years is that we never actually learn all that much about how they happen. Companies fear that reporting attacks will tarnish their public image, and even those who do report them don’t share many details because they worry that their competitors will gain insight into…

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Information Technology

Tool transforms world landmark photos into 4D experiences

By Melanie Lefkowitz | Cornell University Using publicly available tourist photos of world landmarks such as the Trevi Fountain in Rome or Top of the Rock in New York City, Cornell researchers have developed a method to create maneuverable 3D images that show changes in appearance over time. The method, which employs deep learning to ingest and synthesize tens of thousands of mostly untagged and undated photos, solves a problem that has eluded experts in computer vision for six decades. “It’s a new way of modeling scenes that not only…

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Information Technology

Teamwork Can Make the 5G Dream Work

A Collaborative System Architecture for 5G Networks Scientists explain how collaboration between cloud and network service providers could enable advanced or “killer” 5G applications  A research team led by Prof Jeongho Kwak from Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) has designed a novel system architecture where collaboration between cloud service providers and mobile network operators plays a central role. Such a collaborative architecture would allow for optimizing the use of network, computing, and storage resources, thereby unlocking the potential of various novel services and applications. That many novel…

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Information Technology

A New Approach to Database Management in Solid-State Drives

The ever-increasing workload of data centers calls for new ways to store and access data. Researchers from the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, have developed a new approach to manage databases in solid state drives, providing marked performance improvements in read/write delays and offloading database computation tasks from CPUs to increase efficiency and reduce power consumption. As Web services, cloud storage, and big-data services continue expanding and finding their way into our lives, the gigantic hardware infrastructures they rely on—known as data centers—need to be improved to…

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Information Technology World

Multiple vaccine doses could be necessary to protect from coronavirus, Bill Gates says

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said on 22, July 2020 that people could need multiple doses of a potential corona-virus vaccine to immunize themselves from the corona-virus. If necessary, the multiple doses could require more than 7 billion vaccinations to be administered worldwide. "None of the vaccines at this point appear like they'll work with a single dose. That was the hope at the very beginning." Gates said in an interview to CBS NEWS.   Read the full article here: CBS NEWS  

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Information Technology

Retro Movies Online

Retro Movies Online serves as an impressive classic movie database. It’s packed with quality films such as "The Man with the Golden Arm". Because you can stream movies without downloading, it’s an excellent option to watch them online for free. Most movies benefit from a substantive synopsis and cast list. Retro Movies Online has a great collection of timeless classic movies. Adventure | Film Noir | Science Fiction | Horror | Mystery | Drama | Comedy | Thriller | and more...All their movies are Public Domain Movies. Also, they maintain…

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Featured Information Technology

Top Benefits of Using WordPress with WooCommerce

Benefits of Using WooCommerce Ideas A beautiful part of WordPress is the large selection of website design possibilities available through using themes. If you don’t yet have the most suitable understanding, be ready to commit time in figuring out how to utilize it. You don’t have to have technical knowledge to improve your WordPress website by yourself. It is essential to do your research and pick a hosting service that’s extremely secure. Its simple technology can help to considerably decrease the time necessary for customizing. In truth, it is a…

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Business Information Technology World

Why do I have to choose WordPress with Woocommerce

What Everyone Is Saying About the platform Some questions which you have concerning WordPress is going to be answered for you within these reviews. WordPress is a highly effective object of software that is readily extended with the accession of plugins. While WordPress might not be a household name… chances are you know those who have sites which are constructed on WordPress. WordPress makes it simple to translate a web site into a different language. WordPress is a rather SEO-friendly platform. As one of the biggest open-source projects on earth,…

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Featured Information Technology

How to make Passwords Secure enough.

It will go without being said, but when making accounts you need to try to maintain them difficult to guess as well as something you'll recall. That's generally the hardest part of producing an excellent password, recalling it. Naturally, you don't need computer hackers or the wrong individuals gaining access to your personal information on your PC, that's the reason why developing a good password. Have to be a top priority. A secure password is required with lots of things including your PC, as well as other stuff like checking…

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Information Technology

Ways to Improve the Performance of Your Laptop

А соmрutеr thаt іs bоught nеw mау wоrk fаstеr but аs thе tіmе раssеs, іts реrfоrmаnсе dеgrаdеs аnd іt mау nоt run аt thе sаmе sрееd аs іt wаs. Тhіs gеnеrаllу hарреns bесаusе thе sуstеm gеts fіllеd wіth thе mоrе аnd mоrе аррlісаtіоns оvеr thе tіmе аnd sоmеtіmеs еvеn thе Vіrus оr mаlісіоus fіlеs іn thе sуstеm саn lеаd tо thіs рrоblеm. Тhеrе аrе sоmе tірs thаt уоu саn fоllоw tо іmрrоvе уоur lарtор's реrfоrmаnсе: Frее uр уоur hаrd dіsk sрасе. Тhе Dіsk Сlеаnuр іs оnе оf thе utіlіtіеs аvаіlаblе…

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